let's cut to the chase, has a problem from this guard on my northern service where this guard told me off for having a ticket which i booked in advance for a train before 10pm, i've done the same service every friday since the end of august when i go to see my girlfriend no problem whatsoever till today. but things really spiced up in the evening. usually i get a cross country to doncaster and wait for an east coast 91 to take me home, however when i arrived i saw my service was 40 minutes late and it slowly got later and later. i found out thanks to friends 91121 developed a fault and was only running on 2 traction motors. next i bumped into 4 party goers from sheffield who asked me when their next train home was, unfortunately for them they had a while to wait so decided to go to the lepard pub in doncaster and drag me with them. i thought i'd go for the one drink since they insisted so much then leave after so i did. after having my drink and hanging with these 4 people i politely said i must go then i went, when i got back my service home now running an hour late arrived. there was something unusual about my train today, it was being dragged by a class 67 no. 67020. what made this even more interesting was they kept the train in service instead of canceling it. i got on as planned, sat back and enjoyed the ride. i like class 67s and i knew i was getting this journey for free thanks to east coast's delay repay scheme. by the time i arrived in peterborough the train was 88 minutes late cos the 67 could only run at 100 vice 125mph

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