26th of march saw the date of only my 3rd anglia rover and 5th day of an anglia rover of the year. unfortunately and stupidly there were engineering works between wymondham and norwich this weekend but on one hand i am grateful of this cos as a result of it the 6:37 off ely was delayed so i went to meet my companion for the day (class317666) at cambridge where we got a train to stowmarket. brilliantly this way round gave me more miles and we got our planned train off norwich at diss. due to late running and other problems we started by doing a few rounds between diss and ipswich before stopping at diss to see the allmighty 70013 Oliver Cromwell. unfortunately while filming at diss i had a technology failiure so i only got half of the run through of this britania. after this me and max got a train to norwich to see 70013 again at norwich and met up with david. after seeing it's swift departure for sheingham we had another bash to diss and back before going to wymondham on a rancid replacement bus service. at wymondham we went lineside to see the hastings unit 1001, me and max were fortunate to see it coming off the MNR branch at wymondham then scoot over to the mainline level crossing to see it head home. after this we headed back to norwich to see 70013 again before scooting off to ipswich where we bid farewell to david. me and max then continued on a cambridge train of which i bailed at stowmarket to head to my next point of duty which was not train related. fortunately i had a ride home from stow in a car

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