apologies all who were expecting me to be more updative with my blog. I recently got myself a new girlfriend which has predominantly diverted my concentration from my site (well you can't just ignore them/drag their attention away)
June (well the rest of it) was spent going back and forth to the seaside/north norfolk. 
the 11th of June i went up with mates to great yarmouth for the drags doing all the drags behind a DRS class 47, the 18th i was back on some of the drags as a positioning train to a holiday/camp (tenting kind) ralley in gorleston which is right next door to great yarmouth. the 25th of June i was off course train and place wise as i went with the extended family to hunstanton. by luck of faith my girlfriend and her family were at hunstanton too so i went home with her and her family. that pretty much sums up the rest of June 2011 to be honest. while traffic on the railways was on the up in terms of extras etc i didn't see as much as i normally would've, mind you i'm not complaining as i've been busy elsewhere ;)

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